So long, old friend.
Yeah, believe it. It's my wallet.
Well, it was.
As part of my "purging/focusing" resolution of 2008, the beauty above has been given the boot. Years of accumulated flotsom had me feeling weighted down and stressed. I know this information doesn't mean anything to you, but perhaps you like the picture.
Two cool facts:
1. On several occasions this wallet became so completely lodged in my rear pocket that the extraction of it required the aid of pliers. I know this sounds like an exaggeration but it's not.
2. I made this wallet many years ago from the durable material of an old lawn chair.
Wow that is quite the costanza a tribute you should probably watch this epidsode....
Couple years ago went to ID, debit, credit and insurance card only with money clip....have not looked back.
Going to try that link again...
Costanza Wallet Trailer
Yeah. Sight of that beast elicited many references to this TV show episode.
Never saw the episode, but I'm sure that Costanza guy had nothin' on me.
we have seen the before
what is the current state of the after?
I have tried to make a move to a different wallet system
but have yet to commit
tonight I pulled a few receipts from my wallet
it was well overdue
My "wallet" consists of ID, Debit Car, 1 or 2 additional cards that I've used/will use in the near future all folded into a few bills and shoved in the front pocket. Just easier to deal with than a real wallet and I've never yet encountered a problem with this arrangement. But I like the idea of a jimi wallet or a waterproof kayaking "wallet".
Yeah, I'm getting there. Small moves.
I hope you remembered to remove any currency from the wallet before you pitched it.
I did. Got rid of 'em the easy way.
it was a great stuff and with good information. i enjoyed it while reading it.
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